Subscription Service


Chimera Research Group – Mission Statement

Our Mission is to give each subscriber, retail or institutional, the most valuable insights and strategies in the biopharmaceutical sector. We strive to provide our subscribers with actionable market intelligence by leveraging the experience, accomplishments and intellectual horsepower of our team members.

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1Research Reports

Access to our Research Reports, peer-reviewed by our team of exemplary analysts. Our research reports analyze clinical trials, pipelines, competitive landscapes, and more.

2Trade Reports

Access to our Trade Reports which hinges on our in-depth anaylsis to provide the most favorable risk-reward profile. Our Trade Reports will seek to maximize profits or protect from losses through unparalleled statistical, scientific, fundamental and technical analysis.

3Daily Update

Access to our daily update. Our analysts put together a daily update covering the major news in the biotech and pharmaceutical sectors.

4Technical Analysis

Access to our Charts and Technical Analysis. Our analysts take you step-by-step through each chart, marking the technical entry and exit points, marking key support lines.


Our Forum is a unique place. It is a unified location where all of our subscribers interact with the Chimera Research Group founders and analysts, but also with each other. Our forums include contributions from hedge fund managers from some of the largest biotech hedge funds, as well as seasoned investors, pharmaceutical executives and more.

6Real-Time Updates

Our service provides cutting-edge information to our subscribers within seconds. We offer Real-Time Twitter updates as well as a Direct Email portal for instant communication.

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