November 18-EOD

Thankfully there was not a lot of news but biotechs did not just drift lower. I still worry about tax loss selling hitting the sector (or at least the small to mid caps) heading into the end of the year but it is nice to see that the sector can tread water on no news […]

November 15-EOD

It has been a relatively quiet day in biotech land, which is fine as it has been a busy week. I saw more of the same with a mixed performance and stocks reacting to news specific to the company and those with little news were drifting. 1. I have been spending a lot of time […]

November 14- EOD

It is a similar market day as earlier this week with some definite movers to the upside and downside but with nothing that is general to the sector. If anything it is slightly weaker than the market at large but not in any dramatic sense. Sector seems more driven by stock specific stories rather than […]

July 29- EOD

We finally had a major biotech merger but it was not one that got people excited as volumes and price action in biotech were neutral to negative for most of the day. Despite the lack of enthusiasm this was actually a pretty interesting day from the news front, so I will quickly touch on a […]

July 16- EOD

Seemed like a slow news day as the markets pulled back to consolidate some of the recent moves. Biotechs were not immune to the move, although some clearly performed better than others. 1. EPZM has shown incredible strength since the IPO. While I like this company’s technology and would like to own some shares, it […]

July 5- Morning Edition

This is another relatively short note as there is not much news today and I suspect most everyone is enjoying an extended Fourth of July weekend. I just wanted to touch on a couple of points and do so early because my office computer is not working well for some reason. It is a royal […]

July 2- EOD–> Midday edition

I wanted to follow up on the discussion of yesterday less with an analysis of the potential dance partners for ONXX but more in terms of where do we go from here. Obviously the speculation in mid and small caps space is who will be next. This list could encompass just about every company but […]

June 26- EOD

Generally it was a good bounce back day for a lot of biotechs, although there were some pockets of underperformance. That being said, this is a positive day but the real test will be when these stock get to their 50-day moving average and whether they can decisively move back above them. Until then I […]

June 4- EOD

Quite day, more or less. Some interesting ASCO news with some larger pin action. Other than that I did not see anything of particular interest. Bios were generally weak and perhaps this is the start of the long awaited biotech correction but we have had many false starts before. What is different this time is […]

May 31- EOD

Again, I feel like today was another quite before the storm day. There was some interesting news but really nothing dramatic happening. 1. Jon Najarian pumped CLSN last night as an ASCO play, which is horribly odd given that CLSN will not be at ASCO and thermodox is a complete dud of a drug. I […]