June 10 Biotech Update

Yesterday was a busy day and ended up being a little crazier than I planned but I am not back in the office and ready to think about some biotech. I did not have a chance to check the market yesterday so I am not sure how it traded but it seems like it is […]

June 6 Biotech Update

Today was the first day in a little while that the sector seemed noticeably weaker than the broader market. Perhaps this is simply natural variability, perhaps it is simply a slow trading day with random price action, or perhaps it is an early warning signal for a broader market correction. What seemed interesting is that […]

May 23 Biotech Update

I expect today is going to slow dramatically as people get ready for the long weekend. As such, I want to get this out as early as possible to catch everyone. That being said there are a couple of things I want to touch on before the weekend. 1. How times for changed for GILD […]

May 8- The Biotech Draft

While there are some stock specific pieces of news, I want to do something a little different today in honor of the NFL draft. I am going to draft my top 10 stocks. This is assuming that I have no positions at all, so this is not what I would be buying now but if […]

April 30 Biotech Update

It is not Tuesday so the selling continues. It seems like the turnaround Tuesdays happen but have no sticking power. At some point that trend will change and that should be an important tell. Whether that happens today or in a couple of months is not clear at this time but as long as the […]

April 22- Building Some Momentum

Everyone loves biotechs again. Has the bottom been put in? Perhaps but there was a lot of damage done to the sector, so I would remain selective on buys and not chase any of these early moves. That being said the coast is likely clear for the near term assuming that the large cap biotechs […]

Catalyst Watch – Vol. 2, Edition 10 (4/4/14)

Below are current tactical and strategic thoughts on approaching FDA and clinical trial catalysts for select names. Estimates, values and views are as of the date published (or are noted), are subject to potential future, pre-catalyst revision and are not intended as investment recommendations. Please read our Disclaimer: (1) Catalyst Watch List – Update: CYTK: […]

March 21 Biotech Update

[This was written Friday but the site was down and I was unable to post it. I am publishing it as it was Friday and will write another column later today for more recent news] Well, it was a manic day with a very nice win followed by the broader morning bloodbath in the sector. […]