February 25 Biotech Update- Some Upcoming Catalysts

It is another day with the sector trading basically in line with market and the real outperformers/underperformers have news associated with them. At this point the real tension in the sector is between the clear continuation of the rally and the fear/expectation of a larger macro correction that will take the sector down with it. […]

February 7 Biotech Update- Recovery Edition

Despite the disappointing jobs report, the market held up fairly well and the biotech sector doing well (and seems to be getting relatively stronger as the day goes on). Large caps appeared to be a little stronger than the broader market, although perhaps that would have been more pronounce if it were not for GILD […]

February 6 Biotech Update- A Mixed Day

It is good day in the market but a bad day for large cap biotechs as most underperformed (large cap pharma was a little different but still not great). Small and mid caps seemed to do better but I would not say that they clearly outperformed the market (but still did better than the large […]

February 3 Biotech Update- The Bloodbath Edition

It was another rough day in the market with a familiar pattern- market weak, large cap biotechs outperforming the broader market and small cap biotechs underperforming. It makes sense in that risk off means selling biotechs but large cap biotechs have a valuation buffer in their growing free cash flow. This is not to say […]

January 29- Biotech Update

Would you believe another snow day in Louisiana, which is number three in the past couple of weeks (if you were counting). In general, despite a very weak market , biotechs did fairly well, although it was the large caps holding up the sector with the small caps more mixed. It was nice to see […]

January 28- Biotech Update

Well, we are having a snow/winter storm day in Baton Rouge, so the kids have no school and I need to work around them as best I can (so I apologize for the poor editing). I will try to keep this short and to the point and get it out earlier than usual as I […]

January 27 Biotech Update

It is amazing how quickly sentiment can change. Last week I was noting the shifts and the expectations for a correction. This was certainly needed but I think the speed of the move has less to do with fundamentals and more to do with jittery investors. Nobody wants to be the last one to sell, […]