April 15 Biotech Update

Another day and nothing to talk about except more selling. There is really nothing more to say at this point that has not already been said. There is a significant correction in the growth sector of the market and funds are hitting the sell button every day and it will continue despite the fundamentals of […]

April 14 Biotech Update-

It was a really slow day on the news front, which could simply relate to the start of a pre-holiday week. I did not think it would extend all the way to today but so far nothing major happening in the sector. I will touch on a couple of ideas but will keep this short […]

April 9 Biotech Update

As we have been apt to do, this morning was relatively strong but we need to see how this holds up throughout the day. If we are to be optimistic, then having a rally so close to the negative pricing headlines is good as was the decent performance of a number of small caps yesterday. […]

April 4 Biotech Update

As often happens when you have small children the best laid plans are often disrupted. So I am taking care of a child with a suspected strep throat infection (the irony is certainly not lost on me given how much time I spend researching antibiotics and the companies that are developing new treatments) and this […]

April 2nd Biotech Update

The sector was a little manic today in that the large caps continue to find a good bid but as you move down the market cap food chain the price action is more mixed. This makes perfect sense as investors are slowly coming back into the sector and are going after value and the security […]

A Follow Up

Just a really quick update. I had a good email exchange with one of the lead ACLF trial investigators and he basically confirmed what CNAT noted in their CC. The exclusion/inclusion criteria were so restrictive that it was virtually impossible for anyone to qualify. The investigator was confident that the issues were corrected with the […]

March 26- Biotechs are Not Dead Yet

This is a better day but sellers still seem there but buying seems more concerted today. It appears that yesterday was the buyers dipping their toes in the water to make sure the coast was clear and today they seemed much more willing to put cash to work. As we saw with yesterday, however, the […]

March 21 Biotech Update

[This was written Friday but the site was down and I was unable to post it. I am publishing it as it was Friday and will write another column later today for more recent news] Well, it was a manic day with a very nice win followed by the broader morning bloodbath in the sector. […]

Quick Confirmation

I just talked to CNAT and confirmed that they have not seen any lipid abnormalities either at the pre-clinical or clinical stages. In addition, they noted that there is no reason to expect the emricisan mechanism of action to generate any lipid abnormalities. Obviously, this does not completely rule anything out but simply confirms my […]